Which is best platform for blogging ?

There are different blogging platform but which is the best one. Here is your answer.


  1. Blogger : Blogger is a very good option for beginners, and the unlimited bandwidth is big plus. I suggest Blogger with your own domain, this way you get to keep your PR and backlinks even if you eventually decide to move to another host. Blogger is free & fast, never takes ur blog down. The best thing about it is that it is a part of Google & you will get more chance to get in the ranking Google Search engine. Sorry but i am using blogger.com so according to me Blogger.com is the best blogging platform. URL: http://blogger.com/
  2. Wordpress: It is also a free to use. maximum person using this platform for blogging. Its easy to use as well as got many features. The best thing about WordPress is the wide range of templates and plugins that are available for the platform - and most importantly, it is easy to use. The options and features are far superior and with all the things that you want to do and you haven't even launched yet, you are sure to want to do more in the future and blogger will just frustrate you because it's not that flexible. URL: http://wordpress.org/
  3. Text Pattern: Another blogging platform URL: http://www.textpattern.com/
  4. Moveable Type : Another blogging platform URL: http://www.movabletype.org/
  5. Serendipity:-  URL: http://www.s9y.org/

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1 comment:

Roezer said...

I tried Wordpress and Have a Blogspot Blog but I like B2evolution a Little Better because the Support is Not So Cluttered like Wordpress and Blogspot